Glass Specialists
Frameless and semi-frameless glass pool fences add style and value to your home. They are an elegant way to maximise the view to your pool and surroundings.
Frameless glass consists of 12mm toughened glass panels with high polished 2205 Stainless steel spigot which is far superior to 316mm stainless.
The spigots can either be a Square or round profile and come in flanged or core drilled to suit your application. The hinge and latch kits are supplied in a high polished finish and the glass gate is 8mm.
Semi- Framed Glass pool fencing is available in both 8 & 10mm toughened glass panels with 50mm powder coated aluminium posts. These posts can be either a square or round profile. The hinges are supplied in a high polished finish and the Glass latch is a D&D magnetic side pull. The gate supplied is 8mm
All glass products supplied by Cairns Fencing meet Australian Standards.